
How to Lose Weight Fast and Quickly ? Full Report 2016

Many people are trying to lose weight may find it followed some wrong ways to lose weight quickly Kojbat weight loss and weight loss pills and fasting for long periods and all of these methods are unhealthy and cause problems for the health and it has, we have selected the best ways and means through which you can lose weight properly and relatively fast but before you try any way you must make sure you do not suffer from any health problems: you answer your question how to get rid of excess weight quickly.

weight loss

Meals to lose weight :

The purpose of the meals to lose weight is to lose a great deal of weight in less time, but before you start eating these meals you should consult your doctor to know the quantity that can be taken without harm and we show here are some types of meals to lose weight and how to use them properly :

1. Water: This method relies on drinking eight glasses a day of cold water on a regular intervals
- Drink a glass of water before each meal even give you a feeling of fullness and reduces appetite to eat. - Do not add sugar or honey to the water -Your drink only water without eating. 
Water does not replace meals - taking vitamins to compensate for the lost body of important vitamins and nutritional materials by increasing the amount of urine derived by the kidneys from the body as a result of the large number of drinking water. - Diet water

2. Juice weight loss: It works to rid the body of toxins and reduces the amount of water in the body
- Here you can only drink fruit and vegetable juice without meals
- You can take vitamins or replaced with a healthy one small meal a day.

  It is only based on eating the lemon juice diet too - eating between 6-12 cups of lemonade made with water every day. -You Can also drink tea twice daily. System-This is very useful because it works as an antiseptic as well as lose weight in the long term.

4. Cabbage soup: It helps you lose weight ten ounces a week. - Diet rich in fiber and has a low percentage of fat is considered. - You can also deal with vegetables and fruits, meat and rice with at least 4 cups of water. - This system lasts for 7 days, but should not it maintains for a long time because your body loses some important and necessary for the health of nutrients. - Soup recipes for weight loss

5. Empty diet of salt: It helps to rid the body of excess water because it prevents the body stayed away. - In this diet should not add salt to food, as well as sodium salt found in takeaway in restaurants. - It must also deal with here 8 glasses of water (2 liters), and green tea also moderate rates. - It must not continue on this system more than two weeks. -ohma System is suitable and effective greater in patients who suffer from water retention skin, but you know Are you them or not notice your body after eating salted meal. If you find that you, for example, can not take off the ring out of your hand or wearing the shoe easily as you would before a meal learn that your body is sensitive to sodium element.

6. placental hormone HCG: injections or taken as a dietary supplement Ay helps burn body fat - makes burning calories from 500 to 800 calories a rate which is suitable for the amount of weight loss. - Is not adopted safe as a treatment for weight loss, therefore, its use may cause some harmful side effects. - Who used the hormone and found that their weight is back to what it was when you stop using it.

Health centers and clubs :

This is another way to lose weight, which is easy and quick as you can go to these centers Kalsauna medical clinics and others that offer customized to lose weight consistently programs where they are working on tightening contouring and skin, but you have to continue to exercise proper diet and later because health centers alone inadequate only temporarily after the due weight as it was.

1. Wrap the metal body : It is an excellent way to help you lose weight waist and thighs, and minerals helps to rid the body of toxins and reduce the appearance of cellulite, too.

2-body wrap enzyme lipase: It is also a quick way to rid the body of excess weight which is made in two steps :
First: The body wrap Ballypez to save you from the fat on the surface of the body
Second: the metal body wrapped the body to rid of toxins and tightens the skin. 

3. Body Wrap the European way: It is also an important way to get rid of cellulite and working on losing weight, but in the interim.

4. Roll thermal body: It is also a well-known and useful way to rid the body of toxins and increase the elasticity and smoothness of the skin and that this heat operate upon the organization and improve blood circulation in the body

5. colon: Some health centers offer treatments for colon She works on washing and cleaning the colon with water to summarize waste and feces. by this method to help patients who suffer from bloating, gas and constipation can also help you lose weight. 

Healthy eating habits

You must change bad eating habits and replace them with healthy habits and useful This would help you to lose weight to reach the ideal weight we offer here are some healthy eating habits you can do :

1. healthy diet : You have to know how to transform food and meals to healthy meals, and this is not without reference to the doctor and consulted on how to prepare a healthy meal commensurate with the needs of your body. As it should be the balance and contain vegetables, fruits, skimmed milk and cereals.

2. It should integrate important in your diet nutrients and reduce calorie intake by proportion.

3 Select the daily needs of calories: as the body needs calories varies according to age, gender, height and weight because knowing the proper requirement of calories helps the success of your diet. - Know the number of calories and amount of Aaldhun consumed by your body daily, and be sure to set to global health standards.

4. Write a weekly record of your diet: without each meal or snack or drink eat during the week. Do not forget to also write the spices used and coffee. - And so you will know the amount of calories consumed and then your body is trying to reduce or increase the appropriate amount.

5. Select the most opens the appetite of food: where select more foods that you like and avoid them will help to reduce the calories you eat, which helps to diet success rate.

6. List Week: Get a book on the most important health specialties and you'll find the types of dishes in less calories. Through this you can determine the list of meals the week by good calories.

7. Replace your sources unhealthy other sources other healthy fats and sugars and calories because this would help you to get rid of excess weight better.

8. fast food and health: you can eat fast food health Krkaiq potatoes and some candy they are lower in fat and in calories also, how you can get meals that contain a ratio of no more than 100-200 calories, fast food and health should include vegetables, fruits, carrots, tomatoes and other important nutrients and beneficial.

9. eating fruit juices containing less calories ratio, and you can replace these juices with water, this has the advantage, you can not imagine where the water contains no calories and is therefore a very useful and important for health and weight loss.

10. chose lean meat: poultry and fish contain very small amounts of fat, and some fish such as tuna, salmon and sardines are important sources of antioxidants and acid omega-3 is very useful for health, as you can replace meat in your diet with some vegetarian food for a day or 2 per week.

11. Replace high-calorie dishes Other lower-calorie dishes.

12. Drink water instead of coffee, soft drinks and juices, this helps to cut hundreds of calories a day.

13. not often found in grocery stores and food stores that have a rich cuisine and materials high in calories so as not to weaken and buy materials harmful to your health.

14. Prepare your food yourself instead of buying fast food takeaway.

15. Mio food health system: a diet developed by an excellent medical and research centers, which helps you lose weight very quickly, and use this system did not seem any harmful side effects.

Playing sports :

You to know that you can lose weight either by reducing the calories you eat or ratio by increasing the burning of calories in your body, and any weight loss plan should include the roads and the exercise will be better in terms of the result.

1. Select the time to exercise: The identification of a particular time for exercise a day will make you avoid eating fat. -aloamal Home a chance to burn calories: that doing housework is like an exercise, for example, that the Barre home garden or washing your car. - Always use the peace in the ups and downs instead of the elevator.

2. Choose exercise that you can do at the beginning of your practice of sport: - Start simple exercises to gain skill and confidence with time. - With the continued practice you will find that you are in short periods of time lose weight from different parts of your body Kal_khasr, thighs and arms.

3. Select your exercise program of weight loss: -kpr.s. burn fat, which helps to maintain the health of many diseases besides losing weight consistently and be sure to choose the health system containing less calories and followed with exercise.

4. diversity in the practice of different sports helps a lot to lose weight rapidly.

5-focused on aerobic exercise that requires each body to be performed so doing, you can burn a larger proportion of calories as you can configure the muscles as well.

6. Be sure to practice some outdoor sports: walking, bike riding, swimming, it helps to burn calories and help to protect the heart from disease.

7. resistance exercises and loads: You can practice sports resistance and weight lifting to start a little weight and then increase the weight over time, it has a greater impact on burning fat and calories and composition of the muscles and improve metabolism.

8. You can exercise some work through your daily life. - Be sure, for example, planting flowers and playing with a pet, this will help you burn calories, but with relish. - Games such as volleyball, tennis also helps to burn calories and all that leads in the end to excess weight loss.

9. Take a break: Access to sufficient amount of rest will help you to keep your card it also reduces the feeling of hunger for you and makes you less prone to injury while performing aerobics. - You should take from 24-48 hours rest between each training period and the other. - Also must sleep enough number of hours because the lack of sleep reduces your ability to have fat.

10. Try to prepare your food by using olive oil instead of other oils: Since olive oil contains a high proportion of monounsaturated fat, which works to reduce the proportion of harmful cholesterol in the blood, which causes hardening of the arteries, and that these fats reduces the risk of injury heart disease because it keeps the ratio of good cholesterol in the blood.

Other Tips :

- Weight loss in a healthy way is by combining a healthy diet with exercise and eating large amounts of water.

- Be patient and optimistic and not give up quickly, then you can know that any system or a way to lose weight in a healthy way takes longer than fast means harmful.

- Eat slowly reduces your consumption of calories as the mind takes 20 minutes to receive a signal hunger and took a breath while eating also prevents you from eating too frequently.

Warnings :

- Do not try to constantly be hungry to lose weight, this will come back negatively on the overall health of the body.

- Refer to your doctor to determine your diet appropriate and safe.

- You should be doing a thorough medical examination before a rush experience any of these methods mentioned to lose weight.

- Rapid weight loss is temporary and sometimes very dangerous to health do not resort to harmful ways and focused well to choose what suits you best of healthy ways.


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