
Beware of Low Carb Diet !!!! Pay Attention

Many people try  to lose weight reverting variety of food programs based on different philosophies about food and how to prepare and eat, and prepare diets "low-carb" group of these systems, which are the results of a large, but may be risky.

losing weight

Perhaps the most famous such diets is the Atkins diet, developed by the American doctor Robert Atkins and published the first time in 1972, and is based on the philosophy basis that carbohydrates are responsible for excess weight and chronic diseases, so For those who want to reduce weight reducing addressed to a minimum.

These diets are treated carbohydrates as the enemy must suppress and eliminate it, yet encourage them to reduce the intake of carbohydrates, such diets lead Bmtbaaha to increase Mokhozhm of proteins and fats of animal and private, so they are usually breakfast which is made up of hard-boiled eggs, and lunch and dinner Firtkz on grilled meat.

Although the followers of these diets may lose some weight in the beginning, it may be associated with many risks include :

Inability of the body for the dietary fiber found in legumes, grains and carbohydrates, which hinders the digestive process and miss the person benefits offered by fiber such as preventing colon cancer.

Spin is taken from the body of vitamins and chemical substances that fight cancer and in vegetables and fruits.

Studies suggest a link meat consumption rising cancer and heart disease rates, as there is no scientific evidence that a higher-protein diet may protect against diabetes.

These diets are encouraged to eat animal sources of protein and neglect Kalpcol vegetable and soy products, it is known that plant sources of proteins contain no fat found in animal.

These systems fail to teach practitioners permanent strategies in life, which means that the weight that Evkaddonh back again to overstock after stopping the diet and return to previous eating pattern.

Some of these diets may encourage people to eat nutritional supplements to compensate for shortages in vitamins, but it is a circumvention of the problem, which is being poor with vegetables and fruits.


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