
Low-Carb Diet : BEST way to Burn Calories

One research has shown that people who follow a diet and trying to maintain a low weight and burn a greater number of calories by eating low-carb foods, rather than low-fat foods. On the other hand, some experts say that these preliminary results.

Best way to burn calories

And targeted study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, to identify whether to change the type of food has helped to keep the weight or not, as is usually committed to acquire the diet of what they have lost weight. The scientists worked on 21 people suffering from obesity between the ages of 18 and 40 years, have lost between 10 and 15 per cent of their body weight by diet (about 30 lbs .. pound equals approximately 453 grams). After the stability of their weight, follow each and every one of the participants one of three food diets for four weeks. Participants eat food prepared for them at the hands of nutrition experts. Participants in the nutrition and income to the hospital four days to undergo the medical examinations and other related metabolic.

The number of calories in the diets each one, but the fat, protein and carbohydrate ratio is changed. In the low-fat diet, it is to derive 20 percent of calories from fat, which is focused on the full of fruits and vegetables grain foods. In the low-carb diet, which resembles a diet «Atkins», it is derive only 10 percent of calories from carbohydrates.
This diet focuses on fish, chicken, beef, eggs, cheese and some fruits and vegetables, at a time when exclude other foods such as bread, pasta, potatoes and vegetables that contain starch.

The low Algelaesimat diet (low index diabetes for food), which is similar to the Mediterranean diet, they are made up of vegetables, fruits, legumes and healthy fats, such as olive oil, nuts, health and cereals too much like traditional oats and brown rice. And be slow to digest these foods, which helps to keep the sugar and hormone levels in the blood constant after eating.

The Best Diet :

* She explained the results, published in the end of June 2015 of the magazine «American Medical Association», that the number of calories burned low-carb diet was the largest of which burned low-fat diet by 300 calories.

Says David Ludwig, a prominent Based on experience, the director of «New Balance Fawndychen» Foundation of the Center for the prevention of obesity Hospital Boston Children «It's the same number of calories that are burned after continuous hours of intense light Exercise. The number of calories burned diet low Glycemic index is greater than that burned diet low in fat, calories 150 ».

He pointed out that the reason for Excellence low carbohydrate diet is not clear. He said :                 «we believe that both the low-carb diet and a diet low Glycemic index Tadian not to feel hungry because they do not are causing an increase in the level of sugar in the blood. When the body thinks it is starving, it lowers the metabolic rate in order to conserve energy ».

He noted the study authors and the presence of side effects low-carbohydrate diet, where they seem to increase the risk of heart disease. Ludwig says that reducing carbohydrate intake over the long term it may be difficult for many. If you're trying to lose weight, you can be helpful to low-carb diet, but over the long term may be low Glycemic index diet is better than reducing the amount of carbohydrates.

Low Glycemic index

* Kara says Aabeling, co-director of the Center for Obesity resistance «diet seem low Glycemic index is a good way, they did not slow down the metabolism as they did low-fat diet, did not appear to have side effects is an increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease». According to Low Glycemic index diet, you should avoid processed foods such as white bread, white rice, snacks and cereals pretreated, sweets and sweetened drinks breakfast, she said.

The results sparked mixed reactions among experts. Says George Parry, a researcher at the Obesity Center «Pennington Bayoumadhikal» Research in Baton Rouge, who has studied the subject and wrote an editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association, said that other studies show that any diet come back with good results if they are adhered to, A commitment is the key losing weight and keeping it, there is no magic diet.

Says Eric Westman, a researcher at Duke University, who conducted several special low dietary studies carbohydrates and co-author of «new Atkins Diet new character», that «this study demonstrate that the lower the amount of carbohydrates, increased metabolism, people burn calories if you ate the least amount of carbohydrates. »

Says Marino Nissl, a professor of nutrition at New York University, said in an interview quoted by the newspaper «USA Today», he has been conducting studies fuller than those included in the study people in their natural environments do not they eat meals unrestricted, and explained that there was no significant difference in terms of weight loss or keep it between diet and the other, but emphasized the need for more research to make sure that those stunning results are applicable to the ground. Finally, she said «In the meantime, if you want to reduce your weight, you have to reduce your eating».

- Source: Journal of the «American Medical Association».

The new study examined three types of diets. In the following explanation to her :

* Low-fat diet: is to derive 20 percent of calories from fat, and 60 percent of calories from carbohydrates, 20 percent from protein. This diet focuses on relevant and full of fruit and vegetables grain foods, and are cut by the oil, nuts and meat that contains fats and foods that contain a high percentage of fat intake.

* Low-carbohydrate diets: a diet similar to «Atkins», where it is to derive 10 percent of calories from carbohydrates, 30 percent protein and 60 percent fat. This diet focuses on beef, fish, chicken, eggs, cheese and a few fruits and vegetables, at a time in which you reduce the intake of bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, cakes, biscuits and vegetables are full of starch.

* Low Glycemic index diet: similar to the Mediterranean diet includes vegetables, fruits, legumes and healthy fats, such as olive oil, nuts and grains health to a great extent, such as the traditional oats and brown rice. And it derives 40 percent of calories in the diet of carbohydrates, 40 percent fat, and 20 percent of the proteins.


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